Sistem Peneriman Mahasiswa Baru

Pendaftaran Online

Setiap Calon Mahasiswa wajib mengisi pendaftaran secara Online, selanjutnya melakukan Registrasi Ulang dengan membawa Print Form Pendaftaran ke panitia pendaftaran kampus untuk di proses selanjutnya, atau dengan mendatangi langsung ke kampus untuk melakukan pendaftaran secara online.

Pendaftaran ada 3 Jalur :

1. PMDK ( Hanya diperuntukkan  fresh graduate dari SMA & SMK Kesehatan)

·         Nilai minimal 8.00 tiap mata pelajaran, sesuai keminatan (IPA / IPS )

·         Membawa foto copy legalisir nilai dari semester 1-5

2. PMDP ( Diperuntukkan khusus bagi fresh graduate dari SMA & SMK )

·         Nilai rata-rata minimal  8.00

·         Membawa foto copy legalisir nilai dari semester 1-5

3. Umum ( Bagi semua lulusan SMA, SMK, & atau Sederajat )

Persyaratan Pendaftaran :

1. Lulusan SMA/SMK atau Sederajat

2. Tinggi minimum 150 cm

3. Tidak buta warna

4. Membawa foto copy legalisir ijazah & nilai

5. Foto copy Akte Kelahiran

6. Foto Copy KK

7. Foto Copy E-KTP

8. Membayar  Biaya  :

·          Pendaftaran Rp.

·         Tes Kesehatan Rp.

Tahapan Ujian ada 3 yaitu :

1. Ujian Tes Tulis / Ujian TPA

2. Ujian Tes Kesehatan

3. Tes Wawancara / Interview

Setiap Pendaftar akan diproses satu hari (One Day Service), dan dapat mengetahui hasil PMB hari itu juga, karena itu diharap semua calon pendaftar datang sendiri, dan tidak boleh diwakilkan.
Pendaftaran dibagi menjadi 3 Gelombang, dan dapatkan berbagai keistimewaan dengan mendaftar di gelombang awal atau gelombang 1

We see ourselves as a forward looking group of passionate property professionals with the relevant experience to match.

Why choose us

Travel and Aviation

Consultants ranked firms on a scale of one to 10, based on prestige, firm culture, work-life balance, compensation, and other factors.

Financial Services

We are a dynamic niche consulting firm that has been helping visionary financial services brands convey their true essence.

Business Services

We have had to start competing on quality of life in a way that they never had to before — leading to higher ratings from consultants.

Energy and Environment

Engage with consumers and inspire the media — we ensure brands are seen and heard in all the right places.

Consumer Products

We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction.

Surface Transport
& Logistics Consulting

The ConsultingWP firm scored highest for vacation policy, hours in the office, and overall satisfaction.

Our mission

In 1990, ConsultingWP combined with Inception Analysis, Incorporated to strengthen its expertise in energy matters and opened its first office in Cupertino. Since then, the company has expanded throughout the United States and Europe to more than 300 people.

We know our clients’ brands inside and out to create bespoke campaigns that bring the brand story to life, engage with consumers and inspire the media.

  • Work fewer hours & make money
  • Phenomenal success in our target
  • Retain, high-paying customers
  • You’ll get more done in less time
  • Leadership skills to manage team
  • Generating millions of dollars

Our experience

Financial Services 87%
Business Services 75%
Consumer Products 63%
Energy and Environment 50%

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